Bird of the Week ~ Lutino Quaker

  This color is not common in quakers, it’s like a ray of sunshine. Bright and cheerful, these hand fed babies are full of love and affection. Like quakers they are good talkers and make wonderful family additions. We will be running a special this week! Normally these beauties are from $800 on up to $1,000 depending on sex. I will be selling them for $600. So give me a call or email for more information. Visit the contact page to reach me or schedule an appointment.

Spring Has Sprung ~ We Have Babies!

Not all babies are shown, some are too young to tell colors etc. and some I just ran out of time with feeding and all. Please contact me with questions on my phone at (360) 929-2869. To name a few we have indian ringnecks, sun conures, green cheeks, parrotletts, love birds, green wing macaws, cockatiels, quakers.. I have included some pictures of parents and siblings for some so you can see for example what a albino indian ringneck matures into..  they are breath taking.

Hand Fed Baby Indian Ring Necks

We have blues, greys, violets, violet-green (new color this year it is stunning).. violet grey-wing, green, turquoise..  We will be pulling during the first part of the week, more of these colors plus lutinos and hopefully some albinos. I am now taking reservations on these babies so call me if you have any questions at 360 929 2869. I love to chat about my babies and tell you all about them. I try to work with everyone so that they can have the bird of their dreams.